Thursday, February 7, 2008

I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (PG-13)

Here we have a movie that probably lives up to all expectations you might have for it. I don't necessarily mean that in a negative way, but at the same time I don't mean it in a positive way.

You have a movie where two men pretend to be gay in order to scam the pension benefits system. Kevin James character (Larry) has a deceased wife whom he has been grieving over and because of this never filed different paperwork for his pension. Early in the movie Larry saves Chuck's life (since they are firefighters after all), and therefore Chuck feels he owes a debt to Larry. Once Larry decides what he wants, the gay humor sets in.

I was entertained. I laughed at the jokes both slapstick style and verbal jokes. I think Kevin James and Sandler are funny guys so I liked this combination when it came out last summer. I would recommend this as a catch it on tv movie, or borrow from a friend, maybe even spend the $1 at the redbox for it, but certainly not a full out purchase it situation.

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